The frustration of Canadian consumers can be gauged from comments section of CBC article related to Google Fi.

Google Fi vs Canadian Carriers

Google Fi Mobile service is based on WiFi First Model, making efficient use of available WiFi Networks and seamlessly switching to LTE whenever WiFi is not available. Google Fi service starts at $20 per month which gets you Unlimited Talk and Text. Data needs to be purchased in advance at $10 per GB. A major difference between Google Fi and traditional carriers is its simplified billing structure (same cost for data in 170 countries) and Bill Protection Plan. Bill Protection Plan basically makes Google Fi service unlimited, without actually paying for unlimited data plan. Bill Protection plan allows an individual plan owner to continue using Google Fi service up to 15 GB excess data usage and yet pay not more than $60 for data. After 15 GB point, you can continue to use the service at slower speeds or opt out of slower speeds by paying $10/GB for any excess data used above 15GB in a billing cycle. Bill Protection Plan applies to international data usage and Google Fi charges the same rates for both National and International Data in 170 countries.

Google Fi vs Canadian Carriers Comparison

Canada has 3 major carriers (Telus, Bell and Rogers) which offer similar wireless plans with more or less similar terms, conditions and fine prints. You will find below comparison of Google Fi with comparable Data Plans as provided by Telus, Bell and Rogers. Since current plans can vary, it is recommended that you visit the websites of Telus, Bell and Rogers to get the latest rates offered by these carriers.

1. Google Fi vs Telus Simple Share 10

Telus charges one-time connection service Fee ($35).

2. Google Fi vs Bell Unlimited 10

Bell charges one-time connection service fee ($40) on your first bill and allows unlimited data usage at reduced speeds (512 kbps). According to Bell, reduced speed data is suitable for light web browsing, email and messaging.

3. Google Fi vs Rogers Infinite +10

Rogers charges one-time connection service fee ($35) and allows unlimited data usage at reduced speeds (512 kbps).


As you must have noticed, there is a striking similarity between mobile service plans offered by Telus, Bell and Rogers, which leaves Canadian consumers with very little in terms of choice and flexibility. In comparison, Google Fi basically allows anyone with a mobile phone to get Unlimited Calling and Texting for $20/month, use data at much lower rates and flexible terms.

How to Make Free Calls On iPhone Using WhatsApp How to Use iPhone Without SIM Card Google Fi vs Canadian Carriers Comparison - 66