Startup Folder Location in Windows 10

In previous versions of Windows, the Startup Folder could be easily accessed using the Start Menu. This made it easy for Users to make software programs automatically boot-up with the computer, by placing a shortcut to the Program in the Startup Folder. In Windows 10, Microsoft has removed the access to Startup Folder from the Start Menu, which makes it difficult to access the Startup Folder. However, the Startup Folder is available in Windows 10 and it can still be used to make your preferred programs to automatically startup, as soon as you login to the computer.

There are Two Startup Folder Locations in Windows 10

Before going ahead with the steps to access Startup Folder in Windows 10, it is important to note that there are actually two Startup Folders in Windows 10. The First Startup Folder is located at System Level, while the Second Startup Folder is located at User Level. Windows makes use of both System and User Level Startup Folders to determine which applications need to start when a particular User is Logged-in the computer. For example, if a Windows PC has two User Accounts, shortcuts to common applications like Microsoft Edge browser will be placed in the System Level Startup Folder. While, shortcuts for applications used by individual users will be placed in User Level Startup Folder. With this understanding, let us go ahead and take a look at the steps to access both System Level and User Level Startup Folders in Windows 10.

1. Open System Level Startup Folder in Windows 10

As mentioned above, the System Level Startup Folder is applicable for All the User Accounts on the computer.

  1. Right-click on the Start button and click on Run.

  2. In Run Command window, type shell:common startup and click on OK.

  3. This will immediately take you to the Common Startup Folder located at the following path : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp.

2. Open User Level Startup Folder in Windows 10

Follow the steps below to access the User Level Startup Folder in Windows 10.

  1. Right-click on the Start button and click on Run.

  2. In the Run command window, type shell:startup and click on OK.

  3. This will immediately take you to the User Level Startup Folder located at the following path : C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Now, that you know the method to access Startup Folder in Windows 10, you can make your favourite programs to Startup on boot by placing shortcuts to these programs in User Level Startup Folder.

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