Whether you’re looking to add a personal touch to your Snaps, express yourself in chat, or make your Stories more engaging, Bitmoji can be a fun and creative tool.  Start setting up your Bitmoji account, linking it to Snapchat, and using it in various ways on the app.  Learn how to create a custom Bitmoji using Bitmoji Deluxe and using Bitmoji in other apps. 

Setting up your Bitmoji account

A. Creating a Bitmoji account: The first step in using Bitmoji on Snapchat is to create a Bitmoji account. You can do this by downloading the Bitmoji app on your mobile device, signing up with your email address, or linking your Bitmoji account to your Snapchat account.  B. Linking your Bitmoji account to Snapchat: You can link it to your Snapchat account by going to your Snapchat settings and selecting “Bitmoji.” You can log in to your Bitmoji account and grant permission for the apps to link. Once linked, your Bitmoji will be available for use on Snapchat. A Bitmoji account allows you to have your personalized avatar, and you can use them to express yourself in your snaps, chats, and stories. Linking your Bitmoji account to Snapchat enables you to use your Bitmoji in Snapchat seamlessly.

Using Bitmoji on Snapchat

A. How to access your Bitmoji on Snapchat: You can access your Bitmoji by tapping on the Bitmoji icon in the chat bar or the Bitmoji icon on the camera screen. This will open the Bitmoji keyboard, where you can select from various pre-made your own custom Bitmoji.  B. Using Bitmoji in Snaps: Take а picture or video as you normally would, then tap on the Bitmoji icon in the chat bar to add your Bitmoji to the Snap. Resize and move your Bitmoji around the Snap to make it look just right.  C. Using Bitmoji in Chat: Tap on the Bitmoji icon in the chat bar and select the Bitmoji you want. Use Bitmoji in group chats by selecting Bitmoji and sending it to the group.  D. Using Bitmoji in Stories: Take a picture or video, and tap on the Bitmoji icon in the chat bar to add your Bitmoji to the Story. You can also use Bitmoji in other people’s Stories by using the Sticker Picker and selecting your Bitmoji from the list of available stickers.

Advanced Bitmoji features

A. Creating a custom Bitmoji: 

  1. Open the Bitmoji app оn your mobile device. 
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner and select “Create Bitmoji.” 
  3. Follow the prompts to customize your Bitmoji, including choosing your skin tone, hairstyle, and clothing. 
  4. Once satisfied with your custom Bitmoji, tap on the checkmark in the top right corner to save it.  B. Using Bitmoji Deluxe: 
  5. Open the Bitmoji app on your mobile device. 
  6. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner and select “Bitmoji Deluxe.” 
  7. Follow the prompts to create a more detailed version of your Bitmoji, including more advanced hair, makeup, and clothing options. 
  8. Once satisfied with your Bitmoji Deluxe, tap on the checkmark in the top right corner to save it.  C. Using Bitmoji in other apps: 
  9. Open the app in which you want tо use your Bitmoji (e.g., WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.). 
  10. Tap on the text field to open the keyboard. 
  11. Tap on the Globe or Emoji icon to access the Bitmoji keyboard. 
  12. Select the Bitmoji you want to use, which will be inserted into the text field. Advanced Bitmoji features give you more options tо express yourself and make your Bitmoji more personalized.  Creating a custom Bitmoji allows you to customize your Bitmoji’s appearance, and Bitmoji Deluxe allows you to have a more detailed version of your Bitmoji.  Use your Bitmoji in other apps, like WhatsApp, Instagram, and more, by accessing the Bitmoji keyboard. 


Bitmoji is a fun and creative tool that allows you tо express yourself on Snapchat.  Set up your Bitmoji account, link it to Snapchat, and use it in different ways on the app.  Create a custom Bitmoji using Bitmoji Deluxe and using Bitmoji in other apps.  Use Bitmoji on Snapchat like a pro and make your Snaps, Chat, and Stories more engaging.