Deleting your Siri and Dictation History

Start by updating your iPhone to the latest software version (iOS 13.2 and above) by navigating to Settings > General > Software Update > Check for Updates. To delete the recording history, navigate to Settings > Siri & Search > Siri & Dictation History > tap “Delete Siri & Dictation History”. There you go, Apple will delete all the conversations with Siri in a few hours.

Opt-out of Siri Recordings Review by Apple

Even after you delete the recordings with Siri, it will continue to record more in the future. There is no option to turn it off permanently. However, you can stop Apple from using your Siri conversations for their internal usage and testing. To opt-out, navigate to Settings> Privacy> Analytics & Improvements> Toggle “Improve Siri & Dictation” OFF.

That’s all you folks need to do to sleep peacefully at night without the worry of Apple hearing your conversations with Siri. While these features are significant improvements, there’s still one thing that I wish Apple had offered. An option to stop recording the conversations altogether. I guess that’s a topic for another day, what do you think? Hit me up on Twitter or in the comments below.